Dependable, trustworthy, hardworking and fast learning.

One million dollars...

To the left is a stack of one hundred dollar bills totaling one million dollars. In the course of a lifetime, very few people will ever be able to claim that they cumulatively made so much money. It's a sad reality that almost ninety percent of people will die with less than one thousand dollars in their savings account and the majority of their dreams will go unfulfilled. The journey towards fulfilling your dreams always starts with a first step. For each of us that first step is unique. It could be the learning of a new skill, the unlearning of an old habit, or simply just deciding what that dream is. Deciding what it is we truly want, will put us on the path to realizing our dreams. The more passion and earnesty we put into our dreams, the more power that dream will have. A million dollars may seem like a lot of money, but with heart and passion, the accomplishment of a dream like acquiring a million dollars will seem simple. My dream is simply to be happy. I think that the purpose of life is to be in a state of happiness, to be able to overcome all the challenges that may come. So whether your dream is to have a million dollars, to see the world, or to just be comfortable...always take the first step and the following ones take in faith.

"We are, what we think about, most of the time..." Napoleon Hill

About Bryan Rhodes-

At a young age, Bryan had dreams and apsirations of being super wealthy. It was all he could live for. Money would solve all of the obscurities he'd had as a child and give him the recognition he'd long sought after. As the years progressed, and the ascent up the ladder of education steepened, Bryan realized that his dream had begun to fade. Distractions had come along that had at first detoured him from his chosen path, but later he realized that wealth wasn't really what he sough after, but rather what wealth It had been failure after failure in his relationhips that had brought him to the realization that as long as he possesed his insecurities, he would encounter nothing but disaster. But wealth could do nothing to change these things, because wealth like a successful relationship, would always come crashing down into failure until he'd fix himself, for himself. With suffering comes experience, with experience comes knowledge and with the three, comes wisdom. Now, Bryan lives for each day with hope in its fulfillment and surety that success will always be just one step away. He has aspirations of attaining higher education and eventually having much success in the business world.